God is in the Roses

Ten weeks of frantic preparation and, without warning, I was on the ferry to Pembroke with my car and caravan hopefully laden with all I will need. My first stop on the road to a year in the Algarve was Old Oaks campsite in Glastonbury. Sandra and I spent many trips here but now I travel alone. On the 9th of October 2021 she faded from my sight and on the same date in 2022, I sat in St. John’s Church and thought of the last time I saw her. I had tea with David Salmon the funeral Director who was so kind to me last year.

A year away from home is daunting, when I think of the close family and dear friends I leave behind, especially my daughters who never fail to raise me up after many falls. I hope that this blog and “zooms” (perhaps visits?), will satisfy all of us.

I wanted to remember Sandra in a special way on the 9th. First, I had breakfast in the “Lazy Gecko” in Glastonbury.Then I drove to a restaurant car park on the A30 in Surrey where we first met. It seems not so long ago that she stepped out of her car and into mine and I dropped a single red rose in her lap.

I left a rose close to the spot we met. Then to Virginia Water across the road and fixed another rose to a tree, near where we had our first picnic together at the lake. It was interesting to see the looks and gentle smiles I got from people as I carried a single rose through the park.

I was pleased that I could meet Sandra’s son Spencer and grandchildren Bethan and Mike and bring them memorial bracelets. Then on the 10th I headed for Portsmouth and Brittany ferries to Santander. No turning back now.

9 thoughts on “God is in the Roses

  1. Anne Marie says:

    Great tribute Des. Hope all going well.

  2. Inis says:

    Awe Des, how wonderful ❤️ I will be looking forward to go on that exciting journey with you, here in this blog.
    Stay safe🙏

  3. Anne McGrath says:

    Well done, Des. Looking forward to the next installment!

  4. Susan says:

    Lovely idea, great for the family to hear how you are getting on! Will be looking forward to the updates to see where the journey takes you.

  5. Sonya says:

    Safe travels Des and looking forward to seeing all the updates.

  6. Carol says:

    Very proud of you Des, great tribute to Sandra ,looking forward to the next update ❤

  7. Christine Ryall says:

    What a lovely beginning of your trip. You are a great romantic and that will stand you in stead. Enjoy the Algarve. 😘

  8. Rich Newman says:

    Wonderful start to your journey. Our hearts are with you.

  9. David says:

    Awesome Des, wonderful tribute and safe travels. Looking forward to all the blogs !

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